May 17, 2024

Reasons Medication Therapy Management Is Beneficial

One of the services we offer is Medication Therapy Management, but why is it important? We want to share some helpful information regarding its benefits and how we can help make the most of your medications.

Reasons Medication Therapy Management Is Beneficial

One of the services we offer is Medication Therapy Management, but why is it important? We want to share some helpful information regarding its benefits and how we can help make the most of your medications. Read on to learn more about Medication Therapy Management!

What is Medication Therapy Management?

Simply put, Medication Therapy Management, or MTM for short, is a program designed to educate patients on their meds, identify potential improvements, monitor patient progress, and ensure accuracy and effectiveness. This is particularly helpful as a part of our long term care pharmacy services to help reduce the burden on caregivers and enhance medication adherence.

How is MTM beneficial?

Benefit #1: Cost Effective

One of the main benefits of Medication Therapy Management is that it can save the patient money. This program makes sure you have the best drug at the best price and eliminates possible complications.

Benefit #2: Fewer Side Effects

With our Iowa compounding pharmacy on your side, you can receive tailor-made prescriptions without worrying about harmful side effects. We can remove allergens and other unwanted ingredients right away, as well as create dosage strengths and forms. There’s no more back and forth between finding the right dose or having to wean yourself off and on certain drugs.

Benefit #3: Reduced Hospital Visits

Complications from taking prescription meds can often result in stressful ER visits or stays in the hospital. MTM focuses on preventative care and problem-solving before the situation can get out of hand. If substance abuse or non-adherence is a concern, Medication Therapy Management can be a useful tool so you can rest easier knowing your medications are working with you, not against you.

Benefit #4: More Efficient

MTM can help to identify gaps or adjustments that need to be made for prescription medications, but more importantly, this program can uncover drug-induced nutrient depletion quickly. Prescription meds often drain the body of important vitamins and minerals or work against your body’s ability to absorb these nutrients. As a part of Medication Therapy Management, we can solve these issues before they get any worse with high-quality supplements from our own brand Rooted Intuition.

Benefit #5: Empowered Patients

We firmly believe that you should be an active participant in your health, not just a passive bystander. You deserve to know everything about what medicines you take and why. Patients who go through an MTM program note that it’s a positive experience, supporting and educating while also giving them back control of their well-being.

Medication Therapy Management at Towncrest

Our staff wants to help empower our patients so that they feel in control of their health and prescription medication routine. We never want anyone to not thoroughly understand what medicine they’re taking and why. Whether you’re simply health conscious and want to make the most of your prescription or you’re struggling to keep up with all of your meds and need some extra support, we are here. We offer in-person and online appointments, and we will happily take all the time you need to answer questions and discuss the best path forward.

Ready to get started with your personalized Medication Therapy Management program? Schedule a consultation with the experts at our local pharmacy today!